An Interview with DPSF Scholarship Recipient Zoe Bright

We love seeing our college scholarship recipients shine. Recently, we interviewed Zoe Bright—a former college scholarship recipient and 23-24 DPSF college scholarship intern—to see what she’s up to now, her time at DPS, and how the scholarship impacted her life. 

Durham Public School Foundation: “Tell me about yourself. What are you up to now?”

Zoe Bright:  “I just finished my second year at UNC while working as the college scholarships intern (at DPSF). I'm double majoring in political science and data science and minoring in Chinese. I’m passionate about a lot of different things. I’m involved with marching band and concert band, and then I’m also in an organization called North Carolina Public Interest Research Group, where I'm most involved in things like voting education and voting rights. I’ll also be traveling to Taiwan this summer!”

DPSF: What was your time like as a DPS student? How did the experience shape who you are?

ZB: “I was in DPS all throughout elementary, middle and high school and I absolutely loved it. It really sparked my passion for public education. Being in Durham is such a bubble from the rest of the state and it was just such a diverse community and I feel like that shaped who I am now. I can get along with all kinds of people. I loved my experience. I thought it prepared me very well academically and also socially. It made me a better, more empathetic, and compassionate person.”

DPSF: What’s your favorite memory from your time at DPS?”

ZB: “My junior year was the one that was completely online. So coming back senior year and actually getting to see everybody in-person was really fun.” 

DPSF: How has a DPSF college scholarship impacted your life and transition to college?

ZB: “It took off a little bit of the financial burden of going to college. And then it made me feel less guilty about asking my parents to contribute because I was also contributing money through scholarships. But it also left me knowing about DPS Foundation, and then I was able to come back and work here. So it gave me a future employment opportunity because I had that connection.”

DPSF: What would you say to community members thinking about supporting DPSF’s college scholarship program? Why should they contribute?

ZB:  “It's a really great way to give to a community that's super deserving and diverse. I've looked at all of the data and we had right over 400 applications. So it's serving a broad Durham community. A lot of students are coming from lower income households and are first generation college students. So it's a way to break the cycle that we have and help them move up. As a recipient. I can say it's really motivating to feel recognized for your hard work.”

DPSF: What’s one piece of advice you would give to current DPS students and graduating seniors? 

ZB: “Enjoy your experience. I know everybody kind of says that. Stay in the moment and get involved in things that you care about. I was in like a million different clubs in high school and that helped me realize what I cared about the most and wanted to study in college. Do everything that you can and then focus on the things that you're most passionate about.”

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